Ashley Safer, Director of Curriculum & Special Programs |
1255 N. Main St. | Vidor, Tx 7662 |
Phone: 409.951.8736 | Fax: 409.783.9117 |
Alicia Nunez, Adm. Assistant |
409.951.8706 |
Introduction:The Federal Programs Department of Vidor ISD offers a variety of services to the students in our district. These Federal and State funded programs enhance the district’s ability to meet the needs of our students. Specially trained teachers provide supplementary, intensive, and accelerated instruction to qualifying students. These programs help students acquire the knowledge and skills needed to meet or exceed the State performance standards.
Pre-Kindergarten:The Pre-Kindergarten program is designed to identify and serve eligible preschool children who are at least four years old on or before September 1 of the current school year. Students may qualify for this program if they are eligible for the free or reduced lunch program, homeless, a child of an armed forces member, non-English speaking or if the child is or has ever been in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services following an adversary hearing. The Pre-K program is a full-day program which helps children to develop age-appropriate readiness skills. For more information regarding these services, contact Heather Watson East, Director of Curriculum, at 409.951.8736.
Click here to access the VISD Pre-K Family Engagement Plan.
Title I, Part A and State Compensatory Education Accelerated Learning Labs (ALL):These campus based programs provide opportunities for students to receive supplemental instruction in order to meet the state performance standards at their grade level. These programs are available on all elementary, middle school and junior high campuses. At the high school level TAKS/EOC Improvement classes are available. These classes are designed to improve and enhance the regular education program, improve student performance on the Texas State Assessment Test, and increase graduation rate. Vidor ISD uses student test results and other assessment tools to determine placement in ALL labs.
Pregnancy Related Services (PRS):This program is designed to help meet the special needs of pregnant students. These support services help students adjust to the pregnancy and increase their ability to stay in school. Students are eligible to receive PRS services when the pregnancy is verified by a licensed medical practitioner or reported to a campus counselor or nurse. Support services are provided while the student is in school and homebound instruction is provided for students as needed.
Homeless Services:This program is designed to help meet the special needs of students whose residency is temporary or inadequate due to loss of housing or financial difficulties. These support services help students adjust to the change in residency and increase their ability to stay in school. Students are eligible to receive services when the residency status is verified by the campus counselor or the district homeless liaison.
Parent Information: En | Sp
Information on the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assitance Act can be found here and is updated regularly by the Region 5 ESC.
For more information concerning these programs, please contact your child’s campus counselor.
Dyslexia: Students identified with dyslexia may have difficulty reading, writing and spelling. The District's intervention program is designed to provide students with strategies to help them to become successful readers. Trained instructors coordinate with classroom teachers to use alternative teaching methods and strategies for these students. For more information regarding these services, call 409.951.8737.
Dyslexia Handbook Updates for Parents: En | Sp
English As A Second Language (ESL): The English As a Second Language program focuses on assisting students with limited English proficiency at all grade levels. Certified ESL teachers provide instruction that will help students increase their ability to understand, speak, read, and write the English language. Find more information and resources here for Vidor’s ESL program, or contact the District Coordinator of ESL, Jennifer Lee, at 409.951.8738.